Sunday, July 21, 2013


You know that joke about "two hundred and eleventeen channels but nothing on"? Yeah, starting to think that isn't an exaggeration.

I didn't grow up watching TV so I never really got into the habit, and I don't bother getting cable now. So when I spend time somewhere with TV, it's a like a ~whole new world~ of entertainment.

Or not.

Here is a selection of the available programming from last night:
Redneck Island (why)
Bizarre E.R. (this is not my idea of fun)
Dates From Hell (as in the date kills you)
Wicked Tuna (wat)
Pregnant & Dating (this appeared to be a sitcom. I don't think that premise can last forever...)
Untold Stories of the E.R. (Okay so what I'm getting here is that people really like hospitals)
My Cat From Hell (??????)

On the bright side, there was House Hunters, which was very relevant to my interests since I'm going to be perusing the housing market soon. On the dark sight, it was in Belize, which is not so relevant to my interests. Oh well; you win some, you lose some.


  1. I love House Hunters. It's definitely a lot of fun to watch when you're in the market for something. I don't watch it so much now, but HGTV is one of the few channels on TV that you can actually tell what you're in for by the title of the channel.

    The multilingual Swan Princess is awesome! Lol! I haven't seen that movie since that 90s.

    1. That's a good point about HGTV - everything else is all "Happily Never After" and "Fast N' Loud". I get the feeling House Hunters would get addictive fast.
