The steamy sequel to His Wicked Games...
After their passionate, heated weekend at the Cunningham estate, Lily and Calder have decided to take their relationship to the next level. But love in the real world isn’t all fun and games—especially when it becomes clear that Calder still harbors his share of secrets.
When Calder suggests they hold off on sex for a while, Lily knows something is seriously wrong—and she’s not afraid to pull out the big guns. She makes Calder a proposal he can’t refuse: an ongoing match of Truth or Dare that she hopes will bring them closer together both physically and emotionally.
But as the contest increases in intensity, so do the stakes, and suddenly Lily and Calder have to face the question they’ve both been avoiding: what sort of relationship do they have when they strip away all the games?
Gorgeous, right?! Want want want want want. But all I can do is add it to Goodreads, gnash my teeth, and wait. (Patience is not my strong suit.)
"When Calder suggests they hold off on sex for a while, Lily knows something is seriously wrong"
Excited to read both, thanks for the recommendations Selma!
Great cover!