... is the way that side-stepping back into social media after going AWOL for a half a decade or two, give or take, does not feel.
had to do some things for years, jeez, didn't expect to wander back to
the good ol' haunts and be greeted by a sobbing wife who remarried because everyone said I was dead. This is just like the real world in here. Makes you long for the days of magical leopluredons, chaaaaarlie. Well, almost.
On that crystal clear and businesslike note, hail and well met, merry internets. I guess I couldn't truly give up on ruining everything for everybody.
Also writing, I meant to say that first. Yeah, I like the words and the articulations and the conjunctive clauses and so on.
Stay tuned for thrilling anticipation of thing yet hidden from mortal view and OPINIONS and some Opinions with less smothering rage. Maybe I'll even say something positive once in awhile, eh?
Hello, ne'er blinking void, it's nice to stare back at you again. *hugs the internet gingerly*
k yeah no anthropomorphising the internet, got it.